Red Meat MoU
The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) will engage with members over the coming weeks to discuss the recommendations in the Red Meat Advisory Council’s (RMAC) White Paper ‘A better red meat future’.
The White Paper makes a number of recommendations for updating the red meat sector’s memorandum of understanding. Its goal is to provide a clearly defined strategy to strengthen the value and reputation of Australia’s 82,500 red meat businesses.
AMIC has been involved in the consultation process around the White Paper development, to ensure its diverse membership, which includes processors, wholesalers, smallgoods and butchers, has been fairly represented.
A Better Red Meat Future
White Paper
A Better Red Meat Future
Fact Sheet
Frequently Asked Questions
RMAC support all of these recommendations?
The Board of RMAC are satisfied the White Paper Terms of Reference to deliver an industry led framework that provides a unified, resourced industry ready to respond to all future challenges, and that provides greater value and return on investment for Australia’s 82,500 red meat businesses, has been met.
It’s now up to MoU signatories – Peak Industry Councils, Service Providers and the Commonwealth – to consider the recommendations and make their response.
How did the Taskforce balance differing views that would have been expressed by different stakeholders?
These White Paper recommendations are the result of extensive consultation by an expert independent Taskforce and are based on best practice public policy review guidelines.
The Taskforce acknowledges there are a wide variety of views, and has sought to look for common themes in those views. The Taskforce firmly believes its recommendations deliver the reforms needed to best position the industry for the future, make it more accountable to levy-payers, and enhance the long term interests of the red meat industry and the Australian economy.
What will red meat businesses see as a result of the White Paper recommendations?
The White Paper recommends the creation of three new streamlined and unified industry bodies guided by a clearer and more relevant MoU, and a clear line of sight between the priorities of levy-payers and industry investment into research, marketing and integrity systems.
The changes are designed to deliver an industry that has reduced bureaucracy, is more cost-effective and streamlined, is focused on building a unified approach across the integrated supply chain, and is backed by a real accountability framework back to industry and government.
Getting a renewed MoU right means red meat businesses should benefit from a more streamlined, nimble and efficient industry. It also solves an age-old industry problem of a single voice, and a complex and burdensome industry stakeholder environment.
What happens now?
The White Paper provides an indicative timeline and suggested process to work towards the creation of Red Meat Australia, a single red meat research body, and a single standards body.
All signatories to the MoU are now considering the White Paper recommendations.
MoU signatories have committed to consider how we may best transition our industry to a stronger, more unified position. RMAC has undertaken to provide a report on White Paper progress by November 2019.
The Independent Taskforce has done its job. It’s now over to RMAC and the MoU signatories to consider the recommendations and report back to industry by November. We encourage you to reach out to your membership organisation to provide your views.
How will the reforms deliver clarity of roles and accountability?
The new structure streamlines and delivers clear accountability for and line of sight to strategy, priorities, and funding.
The White Paper recommends Red Meat Australia receive all industry levy and matching Commonwealth funds and allocate funding to a single Red Meat Research and Extension Provider, and a single Integrity Forum.
A regime of external audits and annual scorecards aimed at driving continuous disclosure and continual improvement would be required for the new bodies and industry signatories.
How will the reforms deliver better utilisation of funds for better research, marketing and other outcomes?
The proposed new Red Meat Research and Extension Provider will remove duplication and allow for more effective utilisation of funds on industry priorities and levy payer aspirations, as defined in the MISP. This will provide a clear line of sight between industry priorities and industry funding.
At the same time, levy-payer funds from each sector will be protected by delivering specialist programs for producers, processors, lot-feeders, live exporters and other priority areas identified by the MISP.
How will the reforms take into account the different sizes of entities along the supply chain and provide fair representation across all their interests?
In two ways. The proposed new red meat research body has safeguards built in to protect individual sectors. And the Peak Industry Councils whose role it is to represent members will need to meet minimum standards of representation to remain on the Board of Red Meat Australia – the entity that sets strategic direction and allocates levy funds.
AMIC works on behalf of its members to effect change in areas that impact their businesses including energy efficiency; food regulation; market access; animal welfare; and access to labour.
© 2019 Australian Meat Industry Council. All rights reserved
2nd Floor, 460 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065
PO BOX 1208
Crows Nest NSW 1585
P: 02 9086 2200
E: [email protected]