Industry Partner Program

AMIC Partnership Program

The Australian Meat Industry Council is the voice of Australian businesses in the crucial and complex post-farmgate meat industry. Our 1,500 plus members employ tens of thousands of people and are significant contributors to their local economies.

We are continually working towards a more competitive and prosperous meat and livestock supply chain that is good for members, good for industry and good for communities. We do this by advocating for effective and strategic policy, supporting our industry on important issues and providing members with tools to build and grow their businesses so they remain competitive and profitable within the Australian and global supply chain.

Become a partner

A partnership with AMIC signifies a commitment to the future prosperity of the Australian post-farmgate meat industry. We view each of our valued partnerships as a mutually beneficial opportunity to engage with our members. It is your choice whether you have access to one, two or all of our industry sectors, which includes processing and export, smallgoods manufacturers, and retail (independent local butchers). The AMIC partnership program is for non-members that do not meet AMIC’s member criteria. Members have the opportunity to sponsor individual AMIC events outside of this program.

If you’re interested in becoming an industry partner, please contact us by clicking the button below.



