Become a Member

Considering joining AMIC?

The Australian Meat Industry Council is the only association representing the post farmgate red meat sector. AMIC is your voice and your biggest supporter, working always towards the goal of improved profitability for members.

Join now with your industry

Click on the image to flip through the brochure

Processor member brochure


Annual Membership

Domestic and export processors, wholesalers, non-packer exporters.

Retail 24-25


Annual Membership

Open to Independent Retail Butchers, small, large, regional and metropolitan.

Smallgoods member brochure


Annual Membership

Open to manufacturers and retailers of smallgoods products. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone come and see me?

We have Member Relationship Officers in the field that may be able to come and visit you in person. Contact us at to find out more.

Can I get involved with Councils?

We are always looking for interested members to fill places on Councils and Committees. Contact us to find out more and hear about current vacancies.

What is the cost of membership?

Membership is based on the amount of employees you have as well as a few other elements. Please note that the price will also depend on which Industry group you are a part of. Contact us to find out more.

I’m passionate about an issue – can I raise it?

AMIC exists for our members and we welcome hearing from you on current issues that impact your business and how AMIC can support you with advice and advocacy.





