Competitions Calendar 2021
Sausage King, Best Butchers Burger and Smallgoods competitions are back!
Sausage King, Best Burger and Smallgoods competitions for 2021 are back. The competitions are a great opportunity to compete with the best in your region, promote your business and products and raise your local business profile. Whether its Traditional Australian Beef or Pork, Poultry or Continental Sausages or perhaps a burger in the Best Butchers Gourmet Open Class, we hope there is a category of interest for you.
Visit the member portal for entry forms as they are published.

Regional Results
National Competition Weekend February 2020

The Australian Meat Industry Council is all about our members being Retail, Processing and Smallgoods.
© 2020 Australian Meat Industry Council. All rights reserved
2nd Floor, 460 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065
PO BOX 1208
Crows Nest NSW 1585
P: 02 9086 2200
E: [email protected]