Food Regulation

Domestic Food Standards Program

AMIC continues to take a leading role in the area of food standards management on behalf of its Members. 

These include key areas such as:

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AMIC Food Safety Program

Managing all aspects of the program including audit management, member liaison, reactive assistance to outcomes, training programs and associated activities

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Australian Meat Regulators Group

Through AMRG, we can understand upcoming regulations, debate current and upcoming regulations, provide advice on industry issues

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Food Standards ANZ

AMIC seeks to build a strong relationship with FSANZ, to attend FSANZ industry meetings and provide direction on national food safety changes

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State based Meat Authority issues

AMIC works with state-based Authorities to represent the interests of our Members on issues Australia-wide

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Labeling requirements

Information and advice on labeling requirements across the supply chain, including the new Country of Origin Labeling Laws introduced in July this year

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Research and Development

AMIC is working to secure research and development funding from both Government and Industry for key food safety projects and programs that would assist our members

Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL)

With new Country of Origin Laws due to come into effect earlier this year, AMIC advocated on behalf of members to clarify provisions as they apply to our industry. Working collaboratively with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, we were able to co-host over 20 seminars Australia wide for members.
Further information and advice is available to AMIC Members





