Media Centre

Media Releases

If you have a media enquiry or interview request, please contact our Communications Manager at [email protected].

Check out our latest news releases

Winners Announced from 2023 ICMJ Competition to attend MPEC

Meat Business Women and the Australian Meat Industry Council have announced the two delegates from 2023 Intercollegiate Meat Judging (ICMJ) program that will have the opportunity to rub shoulders with industry leaders at the Meat Processing and Export Conference....

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AMIC announces Queensland Workforce Connect Program

The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) are excited to work with the Queensland Government and Response Research to deliver our Queensland workforce retention program. The program will address attraction, retention, and participation issues in the Queensland...

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MEDIA STATEMENT: CCTV in Livestock Processing Facilities

The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) acknowledges that there have been calls by some animal rights organisations to mandate CCTV systems be installed in all processing facilities. AMIC supports the voluntary installation of CCTV as an individual plant...

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AMIC is your Meat Industry

resource centre

AMIC works on behalf of its members to effect change in areas that impact their businesses including energy efficiency; food regulation; market access; animal welfare; and access to labour.

© 2020 Australian Meat Industry Council.  All rights reserved


2nd Floor, 460 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065

PO BOX 1208
Crows Nest NSW 1585

P:   02 9086 2200
E:   [email protected]





