Animal Welfare

Committed stringent  animal welfare practices.

AMIC and our membership are committed to proper, stringent and accountable animal welfare practices across the supply chain.

We have a welfare committee within AMIC that is solely focused on understanding and implementing best practice around welfare and we also have an independently assessed welfare certification system. 

The Australian Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare Certification System (AAWCS)

The AAWCS is an independently audited certification program used by Australian livestock processors to demonstrate compliance with the industry best practice animal welfare standards titled the ‘Industry Animal Welfare Standards for Livestock Processing Establishments Preparing Meat for Human Consumption’. 
The AAWCS covers all animal welfare activities at a participating livestock processing establishment – from receival of livestock at the establishment to the point of humane processing.

Member Services

Not yet a member?

AMIC works on behalf of its members to effect change in areas that impact their businesses including energy efficiency; food regulation; market access; animal welfare; and access to labour.

© 2019 Australian Meat Industry Council.  All rights reserved


2nd Floor, 460 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065

PO BOX 1208
Crows Nest NSW 1585

P:   02 9086 2200
E:   [email protected]



