Policy Agenda


AMIC works on behalf of our Members to effect change in areas that impact their businesses.

Energy Efficiency

Energy cost and supply is the most significant and pressing concern for members of the Australian Red Meat Industry, which is dealing with increasing costs, limited energy competition and limitations to the ability to implement cheaper and more sustainable options.

Access to Labour

Put simply, our industry can’t operate at capacity without a full complement of staff. And it’s not just bad news for businesses when staff can’t be found – there’s a flow-on effect to the supply of meat to export and domestic markets as well as price implications for the consuming public.

Food Regulation

The red meat industry’s food safety reputation is built on a strong framework of legislation, industry and government programs. The red meat industry and Australian Meat Industry Council have implemented measures along the supply chain to ensure the safety, quality and integrity of Australian produce.

Market Access

Free trade agreements are essential to gaining market access and there have been some good wins on this front in recent years – but FTAs are not enough to help our members maximise their market potential. With more than 70 per cent of the beef and sheep meat produced in Australia is exported, finding its way to more than 100 international markets.

Animal Welfare

AMIC and our membership are committed to proper, stringent and accountable animal welfare practices across the supply chain.
We have a welfare committee within AMIC that is solely focused on understanding and implementing best practice around welfare and we also have an independently assessed welfare certification system.



