The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) will ensure that issues affecting the meat industry are heard and addressed by whoever forms government this Saturday in the Victorian State Elections.

“As polling ahead of this week’s state election indicates a tightening race between the two major parties, AMIC is looking ahead to progressing issues and opportunities within the meat industry and working with whichever government is formed.

“As well as tackling major challenges and policy shifts underway on the national stage, such as trade policy and industrial relations reform, AMIC will engage the Victorian Government to address the state-specific concerns of our processor, smallgoods and retail members.” said AMIC CEO Patrick Hutchinson.

The Australian Meat Industry Council has identified areas in which the meat industry needs to work with the Victorian Government to progress, such as:

  • Business support
  • Ports and infrastructure
  • Animal disease outbreak preparedness
  • Animal welfare regulation
  • Cost of energy

“There is a large range of issues that need to be addressed, including ensuring our biosecurity system is sustainably funded and sufficiently resourced. Modelling suggests Victoria is one of the most vulnerable states to a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak. An FMD outbreak would have far-reaching consequences and impact all meat businesses in the state and across the country.

“Recent Victorian state budgets have included a suite of support packages to assist small and medium-sized businesses navigate a very challenging operating environment, particularly related to acute skills and workforce shortages. These programs have immense value to all Victorians and we would like to see them continue into the future to ensure Victorian businesses come out of these difficult times stronger than ever.

“AMIC members have borne the brunt of volatile and rising energy markets this year. AMIC will closely watch the Victorian Labor Government’s pledge to reinstate the State Electricity Commission if returned to power and advocate that major shifts in the states’ energy management must not have unintended consequences.

“As soon as the election is over, AMIC is excited to continue working with the Victorian Government to ensure the security and viability of the meat industry in Victoria.” said Mr Hutchinson.



The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC), is the sole Peak Industry body representing the post-farm gate meat industry, including processors, smallgoods manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors through to independent retail butchers and exporters.

Media contact

Keith Drain – Communications Manager

M: 0429 040 128

E: [email protected]



