Media Centre

Media Releases

If you have a media enquiry or interview request, please contact our Communications Manager at [email protected].

Check out our latest news releases

Media Release: Who will wear the National Sausage King crown?

AMIC’s showcase national retail event the Sausage King National Finals are to be held on February 3 and 4 at Adelaide Zoo with the winners being announced at the IKON Pack National Gala Awards Dinner on the evening of Saturday 4 February at Adelaide Town Hall. With...

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AMIC welcomes expansion of PALM scheme to metro processors

The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) welcomes the Albanese Government’s decision to expand the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme to metropolitan processors. AMIC believes that extending this scheme will be of great benefit to meat and smallgoods...

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AMIC is your Meat Industry

resource centre

AMIC works on behalf of its members to effect change in areas that impact their businesses including energy efficiency; food regulation; market access; animal welfare; and access to labour.

© 2020 Australian Meat Industry Council.  All rights reserved


2nd Floor, 460 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065

PO BOX 1208
Crows Nest NSW 1585

P:   02 9086 2200
E:   [email protected]





