Meat Business Women April 2019 Launch Event

Australian launch event a big success

AMIC launched Meat Business Women in Melbourne April 3rd, to a sold-out crowd of over 200 attendees. Fantastic speakers, great networking and a broad cross-section of the meat industry all contributed to a great day.

Photos of the day are below. Thank you to all the amazing women and men involved in this special launch event – and don’t forget to mark October 9th in your diary for our next event in Brisbane!


AMIC works on behalf of its members to effect change in areas that impact their businesses including energy efficiency; food regulation; market access; animal welfare; and access to labour.

© 2020 Australian Meat Industry Council.  All rights reserved


2nd Floor, 460 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065

PO BOX 1208
Crows Nest NSW 1585

P:   02 9086 2200
E:   [email protected]





