A tribute by Steve Martyn
Author of Meat Industry history book “World on a Plate” and former National Processor Director, AMIC

Last week John Hughes, an industry stalwart of the meat processing sector passed away aged 74.

For those in today’s industry, many would identify one of John’s great contributions was as Chairman for almost 20 years of MINTRAC, the industry training institution that he nurtured from its uncertain beginnings in 1993 to the central capability that it is today, as one of the processing sectors key training platforms.

John, however, has left a far greater legacy that most would not fully appreciate, but is one that all sectors of today’s supply chain from livestock producer to exporter, benefit from every day – one that was only won over many years with commitment and dedication that involved hard fought and very costly legal, political and workplace battles  – it was the fight in the meat processing sector over industrial relations and tallies.



