Friday 29 October 2021

The Department of Customer Service have annouced that COVID-19 case location alerts now available in the Service NSW app. Customers can now see in their check-in history in the Service NSW app whether they’ve been to any venues on the same day as a person confirmed to have COVID-19.

The COVID-19 case location alert:

  • is a red icon which appears in the COVID Safe Check-in history inside the Service NSW
  • displays the business name and date when the positive COVID-19 case visited
  • provides general health advice to monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms appear.

From today, customers who have opted in for push notifications from the Service NSW app will receive push notifications if they’ve been to a venue of concern, which will prompt them to view their check-in history for more information. Customers can activate push notifications via the app settings.

Customers who have received a COVID-19 case alert do not need to contact the business, or their family and friends about the alert.

Service NSW will also notify businesses by email on the same day customers receive a COVID-19 case location alert about that business.

Businesses that receive this notification should continue to follow their COVID-19 Safety Plan, undertake thorough cleaning, inform staff and remind them to monitor for symptoms. Businesses do not need to close or contact customers, NSW Health or SafeWork NSW. If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19, follow the guidance for businesses.

Reminder to businesses – digital and printed proof of COVID-19 vaccination is acceptable

In addition to a COVID-19 digital certificate in the Service NSW app or digital wallet, customers can also show a printed copy of their COVID-19 digital certificate, immunisation history statement or proof of medical exemption to enter businesses and venues.

Rapid Antigen Testing – home testing updates

From 1 November supermarkets will start stocking Rapid Antigen COVID-19 tests that can be done at home.

While PCR tests are more accurate than rapid antigen tests, home testing kits provide businesses an additional protection through early detection of COVID-19 in workers. This helps prevent workers attending workplaces and putting other staff and customers at risk.

  • Rapid antigen tests provide results within 10 to 15 minutes and can be done at home or onsite before commencing work.
  • Tests can pick up the COVID-19 virus very early in the infection, sometimes before symptoms appear – preventing asymptomatic staff from attending workplaces.
  • If a rapid antigen test provides a positive result, employers should advise their employee to get a diagnostic PCR test as soon as possible to confirm the person’s COVID-19 status. Employees should not attend their workplace until they receive a negative result. 

For more information, guidance, and support in implementing rapid antigen testing, employers should visit



