Thursday 21 April, 2022

The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) welcomes today’s announcement by The Hon. David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture, of the awarding of a $827,860 grant to the Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC).

The Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) grant will help boost beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat exports to the Middle East, North Africa, and South-East Asia by supporting market expansion and promoting Aussie meat exports.

AMIC CEO Patrick Hutchinson said the investment underpins the AMIC Market Access strategy, vital to ensure both new market access and existing armlet longevity.

“This all plays a part in our ‘Trade Horizon’ strategy,” Mr Hutchinson said.

“We are extremely pleased that Minister Littleproud has seen fit to invest in the AMIC strategy via RMAC, which ensures market access and longevity, aiding not only AMIC exporting members but also feedlots and grass-fed beef, sheep, and goat producers throughout Australia.

“This investment recognises that whilst accessing new markets is always beneficial, it also must be balanced by underpinning the longevity of current markets, which make up the bulk of our export markets.”


The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC), is the sole Peak Industry body representing the post-farm gate meat industry, including processors, smallgoods manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors through to independent retail butchers and exporters.

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Media contact
Catharine Heffernan, General Manager – Communications
E: [email protected]





