The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) calls on the Australian Government to only sign up to a free trade agreement with the European Union (EU) if it delivers meaningful access for Australian red meat processors and exporters without built-in barriers to trade; otherwise, it should keep negotiating.

Australian meat quota holders and exporters to the EU have invested significantly over decades to establish their trade with the EU and developed important relationships with their European customers. Despite this, the restrictive conditions such as outdated, inequitable, and restrictive quotas and high tariffs mean that the volumes traded are so small that most Europeans will not get the opportunity to eat Australian meat.

“The EU FTA is Australia’s one shot to correct a uniquely unfair system faced by Australian meat exporters, and the Government must make sure that it does not agree to a deal which locks in restricted access that effectively sends us backwards and doesn’t allow for future growth.

“Any deal must improve the tariff and quota access, while also not establishing new restrictions and barriers to trade.

“Australia’s negotiators have worked hard for years to get to this point on the promise that ‘sensitive’ products such as meat will be negotiated in good faith at the 11th hour. Now we are there, this is a once in a generation opportunity that is too important to get wrong.

“The EU look set to get almost all their asks outlined at the start of the FTA, but it’s hard to see what’s being offered to Australia in return is fair, particularly for agriculture.” said AMIC CEO Patrick Hutchinson.

“Acceptance of a sub-par deal assists the EU in restricting its imports through a regulatory death by a thousand cuts and goes against the spirit of a ‘free’ trade agreement.”

“Our industry has been at the coal face for decades developing this market and if this deal falls short, it will put Australia’s red meat sector at a massive disadvantage for years to come.

“We don’t just want any deal; we want the best deal.” said Mr Hutchinson.



The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC), is the sole Peak Industry body representing the post-farm gate meat industry, including processors, smallgoods manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors through to independent retail butchers and exporters.


Media contact

Keith Drain – Communications Manager

E: [email protected]



