Wednesday 27 October 2021

The Victorian Government has announced that due to high vaccination rates, Victoria is changing the management of contacts of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the workplace.

Read the Premier’s statement here >

Contact Assessment and Management Matrix 
Businesses can now use a risk based approach which classifies workplace contacts along a risk scale.

Contact assessment and management guidance >

The guidance takes into account the duration of the contact, mask wearing and vaccination status. Isolation and testing requirements for contacts reflect their level of exposure risk.   

This change will result in fewer workers being furloughed across industry sectors, ensuring the continuity of supply chains and essential services, and advancing Victoria’s broader economic recovery as the state re-opens.

All Victorian businesses can use the new risk-based approach.

An information pack (link to download ZIP file) is available on what to do if you have a confirmed case in the workplace.

Changes to primary close contacts
Last week, the Victorian Government announced changes to how primary close contacts who are fully vaccinated are managed.

Non-household primary close contacts (PCCs) who are fully vaccinated now only need to quarantine for seven days. Household and unvaccinated PCCs are still required to isolate for 14 days.

PCCs required to isolate for seven days will need to return negative test results on day one and day six of their quarantine to be released.

Tailored outbreak management may be required in some circumstances where significant transmission events have occurred.

Click here for further information or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.

Updated roadmap to freedom
The Victorian Government has announced that from 6pm Friday 29 October, further restrictions will ease as the 80 percent vaccination target is reached.

Metropolitan Melbourne’s roadmap to freedom >

Regional Victoria’s roadmap to freedom>

Workplace roadmap to freedom >

Victoria’s total roadmap to freedom >

For more information, please visit: VIC Government COVID-19 updates.



